A fit I wore a while ago but it still ate :3

On that day I wore a green sublime t-shirt, grey under shirt, scorpion necklace, black cargo pants and you cant see in the pic but I also wore a froggy hat and It looked super cute!! I like hats a lot and they are super cool, I have a lot of hats but I want more. All my hats tell my silly things, this frog one tells me to eat flies. Also I like sublime, they are super good you should listen to them. But yea that day was kinda boring but the fit made from a usual 4/10 to a solid 6/10.

I’m the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen 😋

Simple and cute outfit, I wore an old hoodie with baggy blue jeans and one of my favorite hats that I got for Christmas. i wore this like last friday, it was a pretty good day even tho I had some trouble idon let that bring me down. Bc I'm too good yuuuuuh :3 

My Partner gave me this shirt I loved it :3

Just yk youre basic shirt n jeans :3 I got lots of nice compliments, but ofc nothings better than what they say to me :P

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